Dead stock disposal

Proper disposal of dead stock is important to protect human health and the environment.

Decomposing animals can contaminate waterways and groundwater with disease causing bacteria, and if left uncovered can cause odour issues and attract vermin.

Disposing of dead animals


  • Bury dead animals at least 50 metres away from any watercourse, water supply bore or home and/or 20m away from a public road or space.
  • Adequately cover the burial site to prevent nuisance smells and access by vermin.
  • Prevent catchment runoff from entering the storage site.
  • Remove dead animals from streams or watercourses for proper disposal.


  • Dump dead animals in streams or watercourses.
  • Use a gully as an uncovered disposal site.
  • Bury dead animals within 50 metres of any watercourse or home.
  • Dump dead animals in your dairy effluent ponds.

The proper disposal of dead stock is covered by rules in our Proposed Regional Plan. Incorrect disposal that causes environmental or health risks may result in fines or prosecution.