Whangarei District Council - WWTP
Whangārei District Council
Application number
79 Kioreroa Road, Whangārei
Activity description
Whangārei District Council is responsible for the operation of the Whangārei Wastewater Treatment Plant (WWTP) located at 79 Kioreroa Road. Whangārei District Council has applied to Northland Regional Council for the following resource consents to allow the ongoing operation of the WWTP:
- Discharge treated wastewater via a constructed wetland system to the coastal marine area (Limeburners (Hāhā) Creek).
- Discharge primary and ultraviolet light treated wastewater via an emergency bypass outfall to the coastal marine area (Limeburners (Hāhā) Creek).
- Discharge contaminants to land from the base of the constructed wetland system.
- Discharge contaminants (primarily odour) to air from the WWTP.
- Use of a structure (emergency bypass outfall) within the coastal marine area (Limeburners (Hāhā) Creek).
- Discharge of treated wastewater to Council gardens and sport fields during drought conditions.
- Discharge of contaminants (primarily odour) to air associated with the discharge of wastewater to Council gardens and sport fields during drought conditions.
Application documents
- Application form (PDF, 471KB)
- Application Report and AEE (PDF, 5.4MB)
- Appendices A-D (PDF, 5.3MB)
- A: Application forms (AEE Form)
B: Certificate of Title
C: Existing Consents
D: Wetlands and bypass outfall photos
- A: Application forms (AEE Form)
- Appendix E: Receiving water environment and public health risk assessment report (PDF, 11.3MB)
- Appendix F: Air (odour) assessment report (PDF, 7.5MB)
- Appendix G: Cultural impact assessment (PDF, 401KB)
- Appendix H: Master plan report (PDF, 13.5MB)
- Appendices I - J (PDF, 770KB)
- I: Rules assessment
J: Planning objectives and policies assessment
- I: Rules assessment
- Appendix K: Consultation document (PDF, 46.5MB)