We provide funding to support landowners, tangata whenua, and schools to carry out environmental activities such as planting, erosion control, monitoring, and more.
The Climate Resilient Communities Fund supports projects that help Northland’s most affected communities withstand our changing climate. Community organisations can apply for funding for projects that build resilience in Te Taitokerau.
Helping landowners with the cost of projects that protect Northland’s environment – like improving water quality and erosion control.
To help keep soil on the land and out of our waterway, we are offering landowner grants for planting and fencing to reduce erosion. Support is available to subsidise land treatments on highly erodible land, including forest planting, poplars and willows for erosion control, and land retirement fencing.
Funding is available for schools to undertake environmental projects in their school grounds or out in the local community. Funding will be provided for projects and initiatives that have positive environmental outcomes
Our Tāngata Whenua and Catchment Fund supports tāngata whenua and catchment groups with projects that improve the quality of freshwater in Te Taitokerau.
This fund aims to support tāngata whenua to undertake their own environmental monitoring within Te Taitokerau.
This fund has been established to help iwi/hapū or other tāngata whenua entities develop and update Ngā Mahere Iwi/Hapū mō ngā Take Taiao — Iwi/Hapū Environmental Management Plans (IHEMPs) for their rohe (area).
Kōrero mai! How can Northland Regional Council support you as kaitaiki of the whenua? NRC has pūtea available for on-the-ground mahi to tackle erosion and improve freshwater quality.