Rules and regulations for landowners

The Proposed Regional Plan for Northland has rules that cover a variety of on-farm activities. The rules aim to help protect our environment, while at the same time provide for essential work to be done. In addition to our Northland rules, there are national rules that apply to these activities.

Always check the rules before you do the work

Before doing any work on farm, check the rules to make sure you comply with our permitted activity status or if you may need to apply for a resource consent under the regional or national rules.

If in doubt about whether your proposed work will need a consent or not, please contact our friendly staff – we’re happy to help.

List of common activities

The list below has common activities that farmers might want to undertake and points you to the relevant rules in the Regional Plan and National Standards.

Bear in mind it’s not a list of every rule in the Proposed Regional Plan – check the full plan or ask us if you’re not sure whether rules apply to your proposed work.

Activity Proposed Plan rule National Standards
Activities in the beds of lakes and rivers C.2.1 RMA River and lake beds - Restriction on certain uses of beds of lakes and rivers
Extraction of material from rivers C.2.1.2  
Maintenance of the free flow of water in rivers and mitigating bank erosion C.2.1.3  
Demolition and removal of existing structures C.2.1.7  
Construction and installation of structures C.2.1.8  
Minor riverbank protection works C.2.1.9  

Information resources on NRC website

Activity Proposed Plan rule National Standards
Activities affecting wetlands C.2.2 National Environmental Standards for Freshwater - Natural inland wetlands

National wetland guidance on Ministry for the Environment website:

* Note that these general conditions apply to all activities in the beds of lakes and rivers

Activity Proposed Plan rule National Standards
General conditions* C.2.3  
All activities in or around wetlands or water bodies   National Environmental Standards for Freshwater 2020

Information resources on NRC website

Activity Proposed Plan rule National Standards
Damming and diverting water C.3

NES - Drainage of natural wetlands

RMA - Restrictions relating to water

Information resources on NRC website

Activity Proposed Plan rule National Standards
Land drainage
C.4.1 NES - Drainage of natural wetlands
Land drainage and flood control general conditions

Information resources on NRC website

Activity Proposed Plan rule National Standards
Taking and use of water C.5 NES Part 3 - Other activities
Water metering   Resource Management (Measurement and Reporting of Water Takes) Regulations 2010

Information resources on NRC website

Activity Proposed Plan rule National Standards
Discharges to water

NES Part 3 - Other activities

RMA s15-15C - Discharges

Domestic discharges C.6.1  
Farm or horticulture discharges C.6.3  

Information resources on NRC website

Activity Proposed Plan rule National Standards
Agrichemicals and vertebrate toxic agents C.6.5  
Activity Proposed Plan rule National Standards
Burning C.7.1  

Information resources on NRC website

Activity Proposed Plan rule National Standards
Livestock exclusion C.8.1 RMA (Stock Exclusion) Regulations
Land preparation (cultivation) C.8.2.1 NES - Arable and horticultural land use
Earthworks C.8.3.1 NES - Part 3
Vegetation areas C.8.4.2 NES - Part 3

Information resources on NRC website

Activity Proposed Plan rule National Standards
Feedlots and stockholding areas   NES Subpart 1

Information resources on NRC website

Activity Proposed Plan rule National Standards
Agricultural intensification   NES Subpart 2

Information resources on NRC website

Activity Proposed Plan rule National Standards
Application of synthetic nitrogen fertiliser on pastoral land   NES Subpart 4

Information resources on NRC website