Council votes to retain Māori ward
28 Aug 2024, 7:44 AM
The Northland Regional Council has voted to retain its Māori ward Tuesday, 27 August.
Legally, the council needed to decide by 06 September to either retain or disestablish its Māori constituency.
The decision – in line with a staff recommendation – means the council must now hold a binding poll with the 2025 regional council elections and the outcome will be effective for the 2028 and 2031 elections.
A majority of councillors at yesterday’s meeting also agreed to an additional request by Cr Amy Macdonald for the council’s CEO Jonathan Gibbard to explore the legal implications if the council were to not to hold a binding poll.
Council Chair Geoff Crawford said today’s decision was a demonstration of council’s continuing commitment to providing for Māori representation in council.
“There will also be no need to conduct a representation review until the 2025-28 term, allowing for more time to conduct a full review, and incurring no additional unbudgeted costs.”

Councillors discuss retaining Te Raki Māori ward.