New extension to CityLink Tikipunga via Te Kamo route
15 Feb 2024, 10:09 AM
CityLink Whangārei’s Route 3 bus service from Tikipunga via Te Kamo has been extended by 1.8km at the public’s request.
From Monday 12 February, the extension to Route 3 runs through Totara Park.
Jack Craw, who chairs the Joint Whangarei District Council/Northland Regional Council Whangarei Public Transport Working Party, says the extended route goes down Corks Road, Wairau Drive, Lake Drive and back on to Wairau Drive, with four new bus stops on the route.
“There will be three off-peak services each weekday and all day on Saturday.”
Chair Craw says the extension comes after community requests, including from the Totara Gardens Retirement Village, run by Bupa.
“CityLink is pleased to be able to accommodate the requests and urges the community to make use of the extended route.”
A morning tea to celebrate the extension was held recently at the retirement village with Chair Craw and his regional council colleague John Blackwell were among the guests.
CityLink passengers can check the updated timetable on the CityLink website: or they can follow CityLink on Facebook.

Pictured at the recent morning tea celebrating the newly extended Route 3 are from left, Jack Craw, Chair of the Joint Whangarei District Council/Northland Regional Council Whangarei Public Transport Working Party, retirement village resident Lola Couvee – who advocated for the new route – and M’Lago Morris, a community campaigner for the route.