
Collab hui fills the kete

Enviroschools facilitators Kiri Olds and Zoe Jefferies recently facilitated a Garden to Table, EcoSolutions and Enviroschools co-lab in Whangārei and Kerikeri. The organisations showcased how they work together to support kura in Te Taitokerau.

Cezanne and Anouk from EcoSolutions spoke about the ethos of the CBEC business, the work they do in the community and with schools. Rebecca from Garden to Table shared case studies from her mahi and Kiri and Zoe from Enviroschools spoke about what the programme offers the whole school community.

Enviroschools provides a strong foundation and the underpinning kaupapa for a curriculum–based sustainable and connected future. It is also essential to have providers such as Ecosolutions and Garden to Table, who are experienced in offering topic-specific expertise.

Following the korero and discussion everyone split into groups and rotated around each of the three different focus areas.

Group of people at a hui.

Facilitators Zoe Jefferies and Kiri Olds open the enviro hui with karakia.

Garden to Table rotation:

  • Whanake - grow sunflower seed from saved seed
  • Hauhake - choose herbs for pesto
  • Whakarite - prepare pesto
  • Whangāi - mindful eating activity

EcoSolutions rotation:

  • Waste sorting game
  • In school lessons
  • Recycling do’s and don’ts
  • ‘Hard to recycle’ items
  • Schools waste station set ups

Enviroschools rotation:

  • Action Learning Cycle
  • Explore our senses activities
  • Vision mapping
  • Atua activity
Four women in a breakout group.

Attendees split into three smaller breakout session groups.

The time together offered an opportunity for the sustainability-focused organisations to connect under one roof, explore synergies, share challenges and provide hands-on activities that teachers could take straight back to the classroom.

A big thanks from our Enviroschools team to all who came along and supported the Kaupapa – we hope your kete is a little bit fuller.

Drawing of bird's nest, eggs and birds.

Visual brainstorming from one of the focus sessions.