
Aki Tai Here

Two people removing weed in the bush.

Aki Tai Here weed busters at work.

Aki Tai Here is an environmental group formed by uri of hapū from Pataua South in 2021. The group’s aims are to eradicate pests, restore native habitat and build capabilities of whanau Māori to protect the environment and biodiversity. They use a collaborative approach, working with landowners, agencies and the wider community, and are valued collaborators with CoastCare groups and NRC staff.

The group’s work is centred on mana i te whenua-led kaitiakitanga (guardianship) and meaningful integration of, and respect for, Māori knowledge and values and is committed to bringing kaumātua, whānau, hapū and iwi into leadership for our taiao.

Aki Tai Here specialise in transforming weed and pest-infested areas back to healthy habitats where native species thrive. They have developed cutting-edge techniques for weed control at scale, improving effectiveness whilst limiting the impact of control works on native vegetation. The team can deliver their native habitat restoration services across Te Tai Tokerau.

Through sharing knowledge, skills and resources, Aki Tai Here are empowering wider whanau and hapū to get involved. The group has contributed thousands of hours across various projects from Pataua, to Manaia to Ruakākā, providing paid employment and helping strengthen relationships between tangate whenua and the environment.

Aki Tai Here were the Winner of the Environmental Action to Protect Native Life award at the 2023 Whakamānawa ā Taiao – Environmental Awards and were Finalists for the New Zealand Biosecurity Māori Award at the national biosecurity awards in April 2024.

Team members ready for weed busting.

Aki Tai Here team members.

Woman in bush with weed spray.

Aki Tai Here weed busting.