
Supporting hapori resilience

Climate change – it’s not the easiest of conversation starters but for tangata whenua in Te Taitokerau, having the kōrero and planning for a resilient future is becoming critical.

“Iwi and hapū throughout Te Taitokerau are more aware than ever of the changing world facing them. They know climate change will expose and threaten already vulnerable areas, and they’re proactive in seeking help and financial assistance, which will give each hapū an opportunity to investigate their options and plan ahead”, says Northland Regional Council’s Deputy Chair, Tui Shortland.

In late 2023, Northland Regional Council sought applications for its Tangata Whenua Climate Adaptation Fund.

So far, the fund has been able to support applications from Te Waiariki, Ngāti Kororā, Ngāti Takapari Hapū-Iwi Trust; Te Rūnanga o Whaingaroa; Te Rūnanga o Ngāti Rēhia; Parirau Marae; Naumai Marae and Te Kōwhai Marae; Ngāti Whakaeke; Ngā Hapū o Kaikohe; and Kairākau Ārahi Ltd.

For successful applicants, funding has been supporting wānanga and hui-ā-hapū to discuss and share understanding of what the future could look like, with an opportunity to involve climate experts and tohunga mātauranga Māori to share and interpret knowledge.

Other applications included drone mapping, GIS cultural landscape mapping and establishing marae resilience teams to lead preparedness planning and engagement.

The funds are supporting tangata whenua to lead climate-change adaptation planning that fosters a hapū-led approach to identify and address issues.

While grants for up to $25,000 per application were available, the NRC Climate Action team received a record 26 applications from across the rohe. Through other cross-council funding opportunities, we were able to assist most of these applications.

Takou Bay plantings and boardwalk.

Takou Bay shows the mahi of Te Rūnanga o Ngāti Rēhia who were a successful applicant of the Tangata Whenua Climate Adaptation Fund and last year’s NRC Environmental Awards - Kaitiakitanga Award.