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Workshop of the Whāngārei Harbour Catchment Group to be held in the Council Chambers, 36 Water Street, Whāngārei, on Tuesday, 28 July 2015 commencing at 6.30pm.
1 Apologies and Welcome
2 Minutes of previous meeting
3 Feedback from member networks
4 Actions
Update on activities currently happening within the catchment including those which will improve water quality.
5 Presentation: Whāngārei Catchment economic modelling
Adam Daignault, Landcare Research, will present on developing an economic model to estimate the costs of reducing sediment and E.Coli loads in the Whāngārei Harbour catchment. This includes an opportunity to discuss the scenarios to be modelled.
6 Discussion
Darryl will continue the discussion on moving from uses and values to objectives.
7 General business
8 Next workshop - Tuesday 15 September
(Note proposed change in date)