11.Waste Management
The Council is responsible for the collection and management of waste hazardous substances and the monitoring of contaminated sites throughout Northland. The Council also undertakes inspections of workplaces in the region which handle or store hazardous materials, and provides a 24/7 emergency response team for incidents involving hazardous substances.
During the 2007-08 financial year, approximately 5 tonnes of waste hazardous substances were collected from throughout Northland for subsequent disposal or recycling. 360 workplace inspections were undertaken and the emergency response team attended 27 incidents involving hazardous substances.
In addition, 15 contaminated sites were visited and inspected and all monitoring data was input into the central Contaminated Sites database (Selected Landuse Register). Both operational landfills in the region were also monitored. All landfill sites monitored in 2007-08 met the conditions of their Resource Consents.