Performance Targets

The Regional Council will continue to implement and improve a prioritised State of the Environment (SoE) monitoring programme and monitor compliance with, and the effects of, the exercise of resource consents and Regional Plans by:

· Operating a region-wide hydrometric network for the measurement, recording and reporting of rainfall, river flows, lake, groundwater and tide levels - ACHIEVED

· Collecting water use records and measuring stream flows, groundwater and lake levels associated with significant water abstractions - ACHIEVED

· Reporting to the Council annually on environmental monitoring activities within three months of the end of the financial year – PARTIALLY ACHIEVED

· Making the results from the annual SoE monitoring programmes available on the Council's website at - ACHIEVED

Measuring high flows in the Whakapara River.

Photo: Northland Regional Council monitoring staff measure high flows in the Whakapara River with an Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler (ADCP)