Performance targets
To reduce the quantities of hazardous substances and hazardous wastes entering Northland's environment and minimise the adverse effects of these by:
· Facilitating the safe handling and lawful storage of hazardous substances and management of waste hazardous substances – ACHIEVED
· Operate facilities throughout Northland for storage of hazardous substances and have facilities open 100% of working hours – ACHIEVED
· 100% of hazardous substances are collected, transported and disposed of within 18 months – ACHIEVED
· 80 hours a month spent undertaking workplace inspections and reporting to the Department of Labour – ACHIEVED
· Provide a 24 hour phone service for hazardous substance incidents and maintain a 100% response rate to calls received – ACHIEVED
· Maintain a database of potentially contaminated sites and provide to relevant district councils by 31 December each year – ACHIEVED
Photo: Unwanted chemicals and containers in the PGG Wrightson's chemshed at, Waipapa.