Our governance statement outlines how we engage with our communities and make decisions, and how you can be involved, so that you can effectively influence how we do things and have your say on important matters. It contains information about the following:
- The functions, responsibilities and activities of the Northland Regional Council;
- Local legislation that confers powers on the Northland Regional Council;
- Northland Regional Council Bylaws;
- The electoral system employed by the council and the opportunity to change that system;
- Representation arrangements, including Māori representation and the opportunity to change them;
- Members’ roles and conduct;
- Governance structures and processes;
- Council organisations;
- Meeting processes;
- Consultation policies;
- Policies for liaising with Māori and any memoranda or agreements with Māori;
- The management structure and the relationship between management and elected members;
- The equal employment opportunities policy;
- Key approved planning and policy documents and the process for their development and review;
- Systems for public access to the local authority and its elected members; and
- Processes for requests for official information.
Published: 21 Aug 2024