Our role
We are involved in land transport in several ways.
These include:
- registration of passenger services
- involvement in road safety
- administration of the Total Mobility Scheme
- administration and marketing of the CityLink Whangarei bus service
- strategic planning for the future land transport needs of the region.
We also undertake studies relating to transport. Our Regional Land Transport Plan is reviewed every three years.
The Northland Regional Council is only one of the organisations involved in the provision and administration of transport in Northland. Other organisations and their functions include:
The NZ Transport Agency (NZTA) is a Crown entity established on 1 August 2008, bringing together the functions of Land Transport New Zealand and Transit New Zealand to provide an integrated approach to transport planning, funding and delivery.
This central Government agency is responsible for:
- managing the State Highway network, most of which is owned by the Crown. In Northland, we have six state highways - SH1, SH10, SH11, SH12, SH14 and SH15A.
- allocating funding to road control authorities
- developing policy on road safety such as driver licensing and speed limits
- promoting road safety through a range of educational programmes
- developing land transport safety standards.
Visit the New Zealand Transport Agency's website: www.nzta.govt.nz
District councils own and manage the public roads in New Zealand. District councils in our region include the Far North District Council, Whangarei District Council and Kaipara District Council.
Far North District Council website: www.fndc.govt.nz
Kaipara District Council website: www.kaipara.govt.nz
Whangarei District Council website: www.wdc.govt.nz
The New Zealand Police are responsible for enforcing legislation governing driver behaviour and vehicle road worthiness.
Visit the Police website: www.police.govt.nz