Background information
Background documents and reports for the Proposed Regional Plan.
Submissions and further submissions
The Proposed Regional Plan was notified in September 2017, with further submission notified March 2018. During this time, over 400 submissions and further submissions were received.
- Download the Summary of Decisions Requested report (PDF 3.97 MB)
- View the submissions and further submissions (XLSX 65 KB)
Proposed Regional Plan and background documents
- Go to the New Regional Plan page to download the Proposed Regional Plan for Northland – Appeals Version
The shading within this version indicates which provisions are subject to appeal to the Environment Court and therefore may change as a result of the appeals process.
- Download the Proposed Regional Plan (PDF 2.47 MB)
- Minor corrections to Proposed Regional Plan September 2017 (PDF 27 KB)
- Section 32 Report (background report to the Proposed Regional Plan) (PDF 2.87 MB)
- Te Ture Whakamana ngā Iwi o Taitokerau - Statutory acknowledgments in Northland
This compendium document contains information about all statutory acknowledgements contained in Treaty settlement legislation for Northland, and is an attachment to the Proposed Regional Plan.
Background hearings information
Staff reply reports for hearing
The hearing reconvened at 6 November 2018 to receive the staff reply report. The staff reply report responded to matters raised at the hearing and recommended changes to the Proposed Regional Plan.
- Staff Reply - Hearings for the Proposed Regional Plan for Northland (PDF 9.41 MB)
- Reply report - tracked changes version of the plan (PDF 4.77 MB)
- Details for the 'staff reply' hearing
- Staff reply – supplementary information (PDF 1.76 MB)
- Staff reply – errata (PDF 309 KB)
Council staff opening statements
Council staff prepared opening statements for the hearing.
Hearings evidence and written statements
Submitters provided evidence and written statements for the hearings.
Hearing Panel questions and responses
The Hearing Panel asked council staff questions about the Section 42A Reports.
Section 42A Reports
These staff reports responded to submissions and described recommended changes to the Proposed Regional Plan.
The recommended changes to the Proposed Regional Plan are shown in the document below:
- Proposed Regional Plan - S42A Recommendations - Updated with errata 27 July 2018 (PDF 4.16 MB)
- Errata to Proposed Regional Plan for Northland - S42A recommended changes (PDF 54 KB)
The recommended changes to the Proposed Regional Plan map layers are shown in this map:
Open the online map - Proposed Regional Plan - Staff recommendations
The 'General approach' report provides an overview to the approach used for the S42A reports and addresses the more general submissions:
- S42A report – General approach (PDF 579 KB)
- S42A report – Acid Sulphate Soils (PDF 208 KB)
- S42A report – Agrichemicals (PDF 326 KB)
- S42A report – Air Quality (PDF 964 KB)
- S42A report – Allocation and use of water (PDF 3.52 MB)
- S42A report – Aquaculture (PDF 1.6 MB)
- S42A report – Catchments (PDF 320 KB)
- S42A report – Coastal reclamation (PDF 258 KB)
- S42A report – Coastal structures (PDF 530 KB)
- S42A report – Contaminated land (PDF 379 KB)
- S42A report – Dredging, disturbance and disposal (PDF 389 KB)
- S42A report – Earthworks, land preparation, vegetation clearance and bores (PDF 355 KB)
- S42A report – Land drainage and flood control (PDF 300 KB)
- S42A report – Livestock access to waterways and the coastal marine area (PDF 436 KB)
- S42A report – Mangrove management (PDF 336 KB)
- S42A report – Marine pests (PDF 239 KB)
- S42A report – Moorings and anchorage (PDF 412 KB)
- S42A report – Other discharges of contaminants to land and water (PDF 195 KB)
- S42A report – Re-building of materially damaged or destroyed buildings (PDF 204 KB)
- S42A report – Regionally significant infrastructure, renewable energy and economic wellbeing (PDF 176 KB)
- S42A report – Significant natural and historic heritage (PDF 739 KB)
- S42A report – Solid waste (PDF 244 KB)
- S42A report – Stormwater discharges (PDF 260 KB)
- S42A report – Tangata whenua provisions (PDF 274 KB)
- S42A report – Wastewater discharges (PDF 332 KB)
- S42A report – Water quality management (PDF 599 KB)
- S42A report – Wetland, beds of lakes and rivers, damming and diverting water (PDF 441 KB)