GE/GMO provisions
This page has information about the hearings, council decision and appeals on provisions in the Proposed Regional Plan for Northland for managing the use of genetic engineering and genetically modified organisms (GE/GMO).
Any person who made a submission on the Proposed Regional Plan for Northland can appeal the council’s decision. Friday 13 September 2019 was the last day for lodging appeals with the Environment Court on council’s decision to not include provisions for the management of GMOs in the Proposed Regional Plan was. One appeal was received:
Whangarei District Council and Far North District Council GMO Appeal (PDF, 1.5MB)
Submitters and people that have an interest in the Environment Court proceedings have until 4 October 2019 to join appeals (in support or opposition).
On 16 July 2019, council considered whether to include provisions in the Proposed Regional Plan relating to genetically modified organisms. After lengthy deliberations the decision of council was not to include any provisions on the management of genetically modified organisms (GMOs) GMOs in its Proposed Regional Plan.
Read the Council Decision (PDF 136 KB)
Reconvened hearings
The hearing was reconvened on 26 February to allow councillors to ask questions of the expert planners:
Expert planners’ response to councillor questions – GMO provisions (PDF 199 KB)
Audio for reconvened hearings - This file is 67MB
Hearings schedule
Schedule for hearings held in Whangārei, 30 and 31 October 2018.
GE/GMO hearing schedule - as at 25 October 2018 (PDF 116 KB)
Hearings evidence and written statements
Submitters have provided evidence and written statements for the hearings.
GE Submissions, hearings evidence and written statements and audio spreadsheet
Section 42A Report
This report responds to submissions and describes any recommended changes to the Proposed Regional Plan. The report was prepared by Peter Reaburn (a consultant).
- S42A report – GE and GMOs (PDF 539 KB)
- Appendix A Submitter Table (PDF 457 KB)
- Appendix B Court Decisions (PDF 1.97 MB)
- Appendix C ICWP Reports (PDF 13.79 MB)
- Appendix D Badham and Warren S32 Documents (PDF 6.76 MB)
- Appendix E NZCPS 2010 (PDF 1.39 MB)
- Appendix F Legal Opinion (PDF 129 KB)
- Appendix G Letter on behalf of Soil and Health Association (PDF 178 KB)
- Appendix H Cabinet paper on GM HSNO (PDF 881 KB)
- Appendix I GE GMO Provisions in Auckland, Whangarei and Far North District Plans (PDF 1.22 MB)
- Appendix J Preliminary Draft Provisions CMA (PDF 430 KB)
The following report is an addendum report to the S42A report. It responds to evidence and written statements provided by submitters.
The hearings
Northland Regional Council councillors will hear and decide on the GE/GMO submissions. The chair is Bill Shepherd (Northland Regional Council Chairman).
Minutes are issued to provide information to submitters and give directions about how the hearings will be run. These are the minutes relevant to the GE/GMO hearings.
- Minute 11 - Proposed Regional Plan for Northland (PDF 449 KB)
- Minute 10 - Council hearing of GE/GMO provisions (PDF 452 KB)
- Minute 9 - Council hearing of GE/GMO provisions (PDF 452 KB)
- Minute 8 - Council hearing of GE/GMO provisions (PDF 61 KB)
- Minute 7 - Council hearing of GE/GMO provisions (PDF 128 KB)
- Minute 5 - Council hearing of GE/GMO submissions (PDF 49 KB)
- Minute 4 - Hearing panel for the Proposed Regional Plan for Northland (PDF 43 KB)
- Minute 2 - Hearing panel for the Proposed Regional Plan for Northland (PDF 36 KB)
- Minute 1 - Hearing Panel for the Proposed Regional Plan for Northland (PDF 78 KB)
- Errata 1 to Minute 1 - Minute and Directions of the Hearings Panel (PDF 14 KB)
Information provided in response to Minutes
- Soil & Health Association NZ and GE Free Tai Tokerau (PDF 1.8 MB)
- WDC and FNDC - Response to minute 1 (PDF 579 KB)
- Joint witness statement of planners (PDF 642 KB)
- Submitters comments on expert planners provisions (PDF 1.12 MB)
- Expert planners caucasing statement - GMO provisions - 7 February 2019 (PDF 252 KB)
- GMO provisions - Expert planners agreed wording - 7 Feb 2019 (PDF 718 KB)
- Aquaculture NZ position on the use of GMO vaccines (PDF 91 KB)
- Legal opinion on liability regarding GMO regulation in the coastal environment (PDF 173 KB)
- Response to Minute 11 - Council costs for GMO compliance and clean-up (PDF 1.06 MB)
- Response to Minute 11 - Legal opinion on council enforcement obligations and clean-up responsibility for GMOs (PDF 162 KB)