Our vision

Tiakina te taiao, tuia te here tangata | Nurture the environment, bring together the people

Our vision underpins everything we do. It’s ultimately about working together to care for our region’s incredible environment and many communities, matching our skills and resources with the vision and aspirations of our people. It’s part of our strategic direction, which drives both what we do and how we do it


Working together to create a healthy environment, strong economy and resilient communities

Ngā whakataunga ā hapori | Community outcomes

  • Healthy waters, land and air
  • Protected and flourishing native life
  • Efficient, progressive and transparent council systems
  • Carbon neutral, resilient communities in a changing climate
  • Safe and resilient transport networks
  • Meaningful partnerships with tāngata whenua
  • A sustainable, innovative and equitable economy
Strategic direction - nurture the environment, bring together the people.