Executive leadership team
Management structure
Councillors appoint a Chief Executive to lead the organisation. Jonathan Gibbard is the Northland Regional Council Chief Executive. Council services are led by an Executive Leadership Team that operates the following business units:
- Tāhūhū Rangapū | Chief Executive Officer - Jonathan Gibbard
- Te Roopu Tiaki Hapori | Group Community Resilience - led by Louisa Gritt
- Te Roopu Taumatua | Group Manager Corporate Services - led by Bruce Howse
- Te Roopu Manawhakahaere | Group Governance and Engagement - led by Auriole Ruka
- Te Roopu Tiaki Taiao | Environmental Services Group - led by Ruben Wylie
- Te Roopu Whakaritenga | Group Regulatory Services - led by Colin Dall
- Te Roopu Tiaki Pūtaiao | Group Biosecurity - led by Don McKenzie
Meet the team
Learn more about our Chief Executive and the Executive Leadership Team.
Jonathan Gibbard
Tāhūhū Rangapū – CEO
Jonathan's background is in RMA Planning, with a Bachelor of Resource and Environmental Planning. His early roles at NRC saw him work on all council RMA planning documents including the development of the Regional Policy Statement.
Colin Dall
Pou Whakaritenga – Group Manager Regulatory Services
Colin has more than 30 years' experience in resource management and working at senior management roles. He has worked at the West Coast, Otago and Northland Regional Councils.
Colin has a BSc in Chemistry, Diploma of Agricultural Science and Master of Applied Science in Environmental Microbiology (essentially specialising in water quality).
He has appeared as an expert witness before both Environment and High Court judges, giving evidence in relation to resource consent applications and planning and enforcement matters, including prosecutions.
Colin also appeared before the Pike River Royal Commission to explain local government's role in the regulation of the mine.
He oversees the Regulatory Services group which includes coastal and industrial compliance; consents and compliance monitoring.
Bruce Howse
Pou Taumatua – Group Manager Corporate Services
Bruce has worked in a range of management positions and roles at the regional council and enjoys working for and with the people of Northland to achieve positive outcomes for the region.
Bruce's team includes corporate strategy; finance; information services and technology, strategic projects and facilities health and safety; and human resources.
Auriole Ruka (Ngapuhi, Ngati Tuwharetoa, Ngati Maniapoto)
Pou Manawhakahaere – Group Manager Governance and Engagement
Auriole is the Group Manager of Governance and Engagement, which includes: community engagement, customer services, governance, economics and Māori engagement. Her leadership experience is extensive, with a strong focus on furthering Maori economic and cultural development in Te Tai Tokerau. Auriole is actively engaged in creating healthy and thriving communities for future generations and is passionate about building relationships between diverse groups and networks that make up our region.
Don Mckenzie
Pou Tiaki Pūtaiao – Group Manager Biosecurity
Don manages the Biosecurity group which includes the following teams: biosecurity partnerships; pest plants; marine biosecurity; pest animals and incursions; kauri protection and the Predator Free 2050 project.
Louisa Gritt
Pou Tiaki Hapori – Group Manager Community Resilience
Louisa brings a diverse background including a career in the UK and NZ defence forces. She successfully led NZ's first shore-based international piracy operations and was awarded a Distinguished Service Decoration for this mahi.
After retiring from the Royal New Zealand Navy as a captain, Louisa went on to lead the Whangārei Department of Conservation (DoC) operations team with her most recent position at DoC being Manager of Regional Improvement.
Ruben Wylie
Pou Tiaki Taiao – Group Manager Environmental Services
Ruben has been Pou Tiaki Taiao - Group Manager Environmental Services since August 2022. The Environmental Services Group brings together science, monitoring, policy development and landowner engagement and support.
Ruben is originally from the far north and has experience working in resource management and planning fields across the local government sector.
Contact information
To contact any of our executive team, send an email to [email protected] or freephone 0800 002 004.