Official information requests
Northland Regional Council like any other government body processes requests for official information. Official information includes written documents (reports, letters, emails and draft documents), non-written information (computer, video, recordings) and also knowledge known to council but not recorded.
Official information requests are made under the following legislations:
These aim to:
- Make information held by council more freely available;
- Promote open conduct of meetings; while
- Protect information where it is in the public interest to do so, and for the sake of personal privacy.
We will acknowledge your request as soon as practical and respond within 20 working days of your enquiry. In most cases council can process requests at the time they're made. When we are unable to process your request, we will let you know whether or not we can grant your request within the time limit.
Your request must be specific. If your request is not specific enough, or if the information requested is held by another government organisation we will help you make your request in the proper way or to the appropriate organisation.
If your request is urgent you must provide a suitable reason for seeking urgency. We will try to process your request as soon as possible.
You can make your request through the online official information request form below or in person, by phone, or in writing (by post or email) .
Official information request online
If a request for information takes longer that an hour to process or requires more than 20 pages of photocopying, reasonable costs may be charged.
The requester will be advised of the decision, and estimated amount of the charge, before the request is progressed.
If your request under the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act is turned down and you don't think there was a good reason, you can make a complaint to the Office of the Ombudsman .
If you're not happy with the information provided under the Privacy Act you can contact the Office of the Privacy Commissioner .
Read our Privacy Policy on the collection, use and disclosure of your personal data by us in connection with this website.