2019 Award winners
Te Tohu Matua Supreme Award
This award was presented for the most outstanding achievement from the eight category winners.
» Comrie Park Kindergarten
This award was presented for the most outstanding achievement from the eight category winners.
The kaupapa of environmental sustainability is embedded in the heart of this organisation. Its commitment and learnings flow beyond its daily activities and out into the wider community, benefitting our tamariki, whanau and future generations. Its geographic reach is immense and has influenced the lives of hundreds of Northlanders. As leaders in environmental education this organisation is at the forefront of creating and shaping the environmental champions of our future.
This organisation is growing and developing lifelong learners with its philosophy of “Nga Kakano Apopo – The Seeds of Tomorrow”.

Environmental action in the community
This award recognises individuals or groups who are working collaboratively within their community to protect and improve Northland’s environment.
» Friends of Matakohe-Limestone Island
For their planting and pest eradication work to transform harsh land into a regenerating forest habitat.
Highly commended:
- Mark Vincent, Otamatea HarbourCare Society
- Nga Roto Tapokapoka Te Hiku Dune Lakes, Te Hiku Iwi Development Trust

Environmental action in pest management
This award recognises individuals or groups who are committed to projects and activities that support pest management in Northland.
» Puketotara Landcare Group
For perseverance and commitment to eradicate pests and restore fauna and flora of local bush.
Highly commended:
- Tradescantia Terminators
- Friends of Matakohe-Limestone Island Society (FOMLI)

Environmental action in education
This award recognises those in the education sector that are driving learning and action to bring about change on environmental issues. The award is specific to schools, kura Māori, early childhood centres or tertiary institutions, and can include the whole school, groups or individuals.
» Comrie Park Kindergarten
For its journey to make sustainable education at the heart of everything it does.
Highly commended:
- Ngataki and Te Hapua Schools
- Ngunguru School Earth Ed programme

Environmental action in water quality improvement
This award recognises individuals, groups and businesses who are taking action to protect and enhance water quality and biodiversity values within water bodies in Northland.
» Whitebait connection
For its amazing efforts to restore the health of our waterways through freshwater education.
Highly commended:
- Dargaville Intermediate School Native Plant Nursery

Environmental action in industry
This award recognises businesses that demonstrate sustainable practices which contribute to the sustainable development of natural resources in Northland.
» Hancock Forest Management NZ - Northland Office
For protecting kiwi through predator control programmes in its forestry blocks.
Highly commended:
- Plasback

Environmental leadership
This award recognises an individual or group whose leadership, support of others and willingness to share ideas and resources is making a significant contribution to Northland’s environment.
» Iwi Te Roroa - Waipoua Forest
For championing the efforts to combat Kauri Dieback, as kaitiaki of the Waipoua Forest.
Highly commended:
- Backyard Kiwi
- Comrie Park Kindergarten

Environmental innovation
This award recognises those who have demonstrated innovation and initiative in protecting, restoring or enhancing Northland’s environment.
» Steve Allan
For designing, manufacturing and modifying traps that humanely and effectively kill predators.
Highly commended:
- Shane Hyde
- Hancock Forest Management NZ

This award recognises the unique relationship tangata whenua have with natural and physical resources in accordance with tikanga Māori, and is open to whānau, hapū, iwi and Māori organisations.
» Noho Taiao, Te Rarawa Anga Mua
For its unique, marae-based initiative that uses science to inspire and empower young Maori.
Highly commended:
- Patuharakeke Te Iwi Trust Board
- Ngataki and Te Hapua Schools